In our continuing quest to provide the global Auto Industry with valuable technical recommendations, we have organized two Technical Panels to participate in the Center for the Polyurethane Industry ( CPI ) conference to address the ever increasing attention to the Volatile Organic Compounds ( VOC ) emission in the interior of vehicles.
The First Global Automotive VOC Panel presenters are from the Auto Industry ( Ford Motor Company, Toyota Corporation, Fiat Chrysler Auto) , Euromoulders, the University of Eastern Michigan, and Our Industry Panel Representative as well. In this session, the panel will present the complexity of the VOC specification on a global basis, present VOC simulation study, provide the European perspective and test method perspective. Most Importantly, the panel will deliver a strong message, technically based, on the URGENT need to HARMONIZE the Global VOC specification without compromising the comfort or the health and safety of the occupants.
The Second Global VOC Panel presenters are from our supply communities: Polyols, Isocyanates, Catalysts, surfactants, Antioxidants, and flame Retardants manufactures. These technical presentation will show the progress made by the supply community to reduce or eliminate the emission of one or more ingredient as well as the reduction of the overall total VOC. The progress by the supply community is very important and very much needed.
It is quite clear that addressing the VOC concern on a global or local basis is a team effort. The Chemical and additive suppliers, the Manufactures of Automotive Parts and the OEM must work together in order to provide the ultimate customer with the most comfortable and healthiest rides.
The Industry Panel will relentlessly work with the supply chain and the OEM to achieve practical solutions to matters of Concerns.